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John Adams
Jun 13, 2021
July Predictions
The data seen for July was a little all over. The last session I did showed what appeared to be a river very wide and flowing toward the...

John Adams
Jun 4, 2021
The Pentyrch UFO Case
February 26, 2016 - In the small town of Pentyrch, a strange event involving mysterious lights and military aircraft unfolded. Witnessed...
John Adams
May 17, 2021
Other 2021 Trends
I have done several 2021 trends session on topics such as optimal near term investments, crypto currency, real estate and the like, but...

John Adams
May 6, 2021
Mysteries of Saqqara Egypt (Updated)
The Saqqara bowls are one of the many mysteries found in Egypt. They are objects made of stone, crystal and generally other hard...

John Adams
May 6, 2021
Arthur Rimbaud: Poet and Seer
History Arthur Rimbaud was a French poet, sometimes referred to as the enfant terrible of French poetry, known for his "transgressive and...

John Adams
Apr 22, 2021
The Mary Celeste
As the short video above explains, the Mary Celeste was found floating 400 miles east of the Azores islands on December 4, 1872, headed...
John Adams
Apr 20, 2021
May Predictions
As mentioned in April's post, there seems to be a greater chance that conflict will increase somewhere in the world. The health of a/the...
John Adams
Apr 20, 2021
April Predictions
April is already underway (today is April 20th) and I had completed one session for this month while not tasking it to anyone else, but I...

John Adams
Apr 2, 2021
The Tic Tac UFO
Target: Who or what is behind the Tic Tac UFO Phenomenon Viewer: John Adams Blind Solo Target Pool For those that are unfamiliar, the...

John Adams
Mar 28, 2021
Remote Viewing, Surrealism, Dreams and Exotic Effects
It was during the 1920s that Andre Breton and other members of the Surrealist group began to lay the foundation for the idea of a more...

John Adams
Mar 19, 2021
Anomalous Events I
Anomalous adjective deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected. "an anomalous situation" I've seen unexplained lights in the...

John Adams
Mar 5, 2021
Medical Viewing: Age, Cystic Fibrosis, and the Coronavirus
Age Here we have a session that was aimed at the health of an 82 year-old father with many health problems whose son was hoping to extend...

John Adams
Mar 5, 2021
Missing Person: Naya Rivera
An anonymous missing persons request was placed a popular Reddit Remove Viewing group last summer. It was an ongoing, live case and the...

John Adams
Feb 12, 2021
The Voynich Manuscript
Blind Session (as usual). Remote viewer: John Adams Tasker: Jemma Warner The Voynich Manuscript is a manuscript kept at the Yale...

John Adams
Feb 9, 2021
The Wright Ghost Phenomenon
Glassel Park is situated in Los Angeles, California and is the home to two gentlemen that claim ghostly presences haunt their house....
John Adams
Feb 9, 2021
March Predictions Review
So the March look-ahead post mentioned something of a political shakedown or partial government closure. In hindsight, after looking at...

John Adams
Feb 4, 2021
How Humans Evolved
This session from May 2019 came out completely unexpected. It seemed to point to a dusty red planet with the feeling of Mars where there...
John Adams
Feb 4, 2021
A review of January 2021 predictions
The brief six month look ahead was performed leading into summer. The main parts were posted here on January 1st as well as an RV group...

John Adams
Jan 12, 2021
Remote Viewing 'Kundalini Shakti'
After working this (blind) session and getting the feedback I had mixed feelings. I needed time to distance myself from it, then evaluate...
John Adams
Jan 1, 2021
January 2021 Predictions
This quick look-ahead was done blind six months ago. Some of these things may have already come to fruition. Others may not come to pass...
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